Jerry Glazer
3 min read4 days ago

Insights into understanding Vietnam Uncensored

Some equate military service with heroes and warriors of incredible strength, skill, and meaningful objectives. They view Marines, Navy Seals, Airborne, and Special Forces units as the ultimate U.S. fighting soldiers.

It is one thing to watch actors perform death-defying feats, become injured, and die on film. However, they will rise from the wounded and dead following the scene. In combat, every part of the human body and mind comes under attack without regard to the outcome. The mission succeeds if the line remains unbroken, and injury and death remain acceptably low.

I have often considered the answer to the question, “Would you trade the good life for serving your country?”

More than 55 years later, I will think of my time on Vietnam’s battlefields, pausing with some memory. I will nod and express thanks and honor for the brothers at whose sides I once stood. I will thank them for putting “it” all on the line in protecting my life and standing fast to their oaths and duty during the severest existential circumstances.

I will never accept the deaths and injuries of so many brothers. We did our best and sacrificed our all to obey the orders of our superiors, only for everything given and nothing



Jerry Glazer

Jerry Glazer is an author of short stories, essays and novels. The 1st chapter of his Vietnam memoir can be read for free at www.vietnamjerry.com