Dear B.R. More than 55 years ago, my team and I took shelter in a mountain to escape the pursuit of a large enemy contingent. I was 23, and the men under my command were younger. Yet, we performed missions to extract captured men and women necessary to my commanding officers. We were exhausted and on our last reserves when circumstances forced us to take a stand. It was but a small opening in the rockface that we crawled, yet a tunnel led us to the other side of the mountain and valley of extraordinary beauty. I searched in vain for the location after the war to find the mysterious place and tribe that took us in, nursed our wounds, and lived in a paradise obscure from the death and destruction outside. Yet, while I found many beautiful places that brought calmness and contentment, I never discovered the same level of peace and joy. It was as if we entered through a portal of fantastic consequence. Thanks for sharing.