Dear Donna: From your last essay, I think you have lots to say and to teach. Perhaps your topic and language is a bit esoteric, but well worth the read. Yours is a professional, if not clinical approach to understanding the human psyche. Not many would attempt to post such research on a site such as Medium, and not a journal dealing with psychology. I appreciate what you did, because, I would never pick up such literature, so, I urge you to keep writing. Perhaps, you may not get a huge following, but you have this man interested. As you know, we cannot change the world, but we can change our world a small piece at a time, and one we never knows how far our influence will reach. Well, you reached me.
Of course, I will admit that most people I know think I’m a moron, so, my compliment, which it was meant to be, may not be worth anything. Okay, it’s worth nothing, but even morons have opinions that can change things. I mean, look how far the Republican party has gotten. Just a personal observation without passing judgment. Now,there is a large group of people who could use a good dose of scientific research. But what do I know? According to most, not much, but then again, as strange as it may seem, there is an even larger segment of the population who know less than me, released from asylums, on anxiety meds, and afraid to leave their homes. So, it appears I have at least two-thirds of the U.S. population who might subscribe to my nonsense. Just saying. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge and your thoughts. I will will repeat what I previously said.This moron appreciates you. Regards