Dear Prof. Furey. I liked your essay about AI replacement therapy, but I think you have pushed the envelope on human replacement over the line. I mean did the hammer replace the nail? Did the screwdriver replace the screw? Did the dishwasher, washing machine, electric oven, and vacuum cleaner do away with housework? Nope! All the devices invented to make life easier only increased the work load.
I think everyone is underestimating the human species. The more devices created to make our lives easier the greater will be the human instinct to find a way to become productive. The internet did not do away with reading and writing. More people are reading and writing on websites than ever before. The I-phone did not spell and end to music. I allowed the medium to become available to the world. So forth and so on.
I believe that we have not yet seen the wonderful world to that will emerge from the intergration of super AI. Robotic doctors and nurses to bring down healthcare costs and make it available to the world over, robotic worker to take on hazardous jobs so human lives are not lost in existential occupations, and the sundry products that will come into being by AI's advanced technology. We already see this occurring in gene splicing, artificial skin, implants to increase sight, hearing and curing cancer. It is more than amazing.
We should rejoice at the increase in AI, not be frightened. Don't you see, it will eventually lead to an endless supply of energy, food, and the good life for all.