Member-only story
Insights into understanding Vietnam Uncensored
We obliterated the words forgiveness, redemption, and salvation from our language. We would never find deliverance from the things we did and witnessed in combat.
The events were irredeemable and ours to carry for all time. The incidents occurring in the war would forever bring regret, remorse, and depression. I
t became an incurable illness that could not be out-run, out-trained, out-medicated, or outlived. The name was PTSD, but it did not adequately describe the mental and physical anguish it caused.
We came to see the images in our dreams as night terrors. It brought anger at a moment’s notice. And it made us intolerant of others and of those we cared about.
We turned to alcohol and drugs to lessen the effects without success. More than twenty thousand took their lives; others became homeless.
For those of us who survived, we deserved better. And yet, our fellow citizens condemned us for answering America’s call to duty. We did not understand and would never understand. And that, too, was Vietnam.
I invite you to join the upcoming book launch of Vietnam Uncensored at Vietnam Jerry. You will receive the first chapter and the radio broadcast of Cpl. Cummings’ ghost story. All net proceeds will go to the Kaufman Fund, helping veterans and their families in need. Become part of our community. You’ll be glad you did. Thanks.