Ha! You and Bob look like two guys straight out of the Florida everglades, or the backwaters of the Louisiana. You are only missing the worn baseball caps, and carrying shotguns. I am certainly not one of your people in the traditional sense. You will never be able to call me the "buddy" type of guy, but I will always be a friend that will show up at hospitals, funerals, and moments of celebration, even if I am not invited. With me, it is all or nothing. I am passionate about the people I like. My wife calls me inappropriate when I am off on a plane to visit a sick friend in who-knows-where.
I try to get her to understand, "It's not about them, my love. It is about me! It's what I do that counts. I do it while I can, because, no one knows better than me, there will come a time when I can't."
She nods her pretty head in resignation and understanding. "Oh, Jerry, whatever will I do with you?"
I do not have to answer. We both know. She can only do so much to stop me. She often asks why I cannot include her in this world. I will then ask, "What world?"
She will laugh. "Exactly, what I've been saying!"
"Take care. Love the pictures. Thanks