Hi: At this stage in my life, I have come to the unassailable conclusion I know what I know, and I do not know what I do not know. As I get older, I find that I know a heck of a lot less than I thought I knew, and find the words of my first wife, and come to think of it, most people who know me, “Jerry, you know nothing!” So be it. But knowing nothing kept my team and me alive on the battlefields of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Of course, that was when everyone knew nothing, so it was a place I fit in. Who knows? Certainly not me! Line editor? Who has time? I have so much to say about nothing to concentrate on another occupation. If I may, I invite you to read the first chapter of my Vietnam memoir for free at vietnamjerry.com and to scroll down to MEDIA and listen to the NPR ghost story about Cpl. Cumming. A true event. Regards, Jerry