Hi, Brother. I particularly liked your article, What is the Number 1 Killer of Black Men in America. What I find interesting is the Black population of the U.S. is 14% of total populaiton. Yet, 797 Blacks per 100,000 are incarcerated, verses 268 per 100,000 for the white population. To me this points to systemic racism in the U.S. Justice system. I am surprised that the rate of anxity disorders, depression, and heart disease related to undue stress does not kill more Blacks than you display in your percentages. My goodness, I can't think of another group of citizens who have been treated so abominally for generations, except the American Indian. I am not pointing fingers, or making accusations. Just illuminating what this man finds disappointing in America. I stood side by side with Black brothers on the battlefields of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. All good men. Good article. Regards