Hi, Crystal. I liked your article about dealing with clutter of little value. As a Vietnam vetneran, my buddies and I tend to collect things. I guess you can call it hoarding, but we are always thinking there will come a time that box, or battery will become essential to our existence. I offer up the incident of a defected rifle in the middle of enemy territory. Oops! And I reached into my pack and spilled out a whole bunch of stuff and guess what? I found a safety pin that fit into the gizmo that released the round and while it was not perfect, the automatic lever allowed for rapid firing. The fact that we were evacuated before I needed to use the weapon is incidental. And I have many individuals in my life who expect me do discard all the "stuff" i have collected. Pleassssss! Give me a break will you? Are you telling me the Skyhook will not one day become the difference of life and death? Don't answer that if you know what's good for you. Regards