Hi, Daniel. I liked your well written essay on the topic of Fake Knews. If I may, I want to mention when using the name of Goebbels, his title is the NAZI Minister, virulent Anti-Semite, and one of the architects of the greatest human genocide in history. He used his theory to convince an educated German public to murder 6-million Jews, and 1-million of others, including 1.5 million children under the age of 15. As far as the distribution of fake news, the theory that intelligent people often uderestimate the number of stupid ignorant people in circulation comes to mine. You are right about the internet. Push a button and a billion people can be reached. Most people do not read. They listen to their favorite news stations and form opinions - good and bad. And try arguing with someone who is righteous in their beliefs? Yup, news is what the broadcasters say it is. Freedom of speech dictates that everything is allowable. Of course, there are some laws in "some" countries from promoting violence, but that's about it.