Hi, Debra. I liked your essay that equates hell with selling in a retail store. Ha! Great piece I never heard the term "shoe dog", and did not know that people relieved themselves in dressing rooms. Thanks for the info.
But shoe dog hits home with what those salespeople do for a living. But then again, there are a lot worse jobs.
How about working for next to no pay, in a job that has everyone ordering you around, where punishment is the answer to non-performance. And yet, every step you took was an existential threat? That was the job I had in Vietnam from 1967 to 1968. There was only two ways out: 1. you were seriously injured or killed, and 2. you finished your tour of duty and were sent home the worse for wear. But once back, you no longer fit in anywhere, and were of no use working for someone bossing you around.
But your article shows great spunk, if not tolerance and determination. And yet you endured, to finally realize the good life. But, I worked retail and I think it is the punishment after hell is not enough. Just saying. Thanks for sharing your story. Regards