Hi, DM. As a Vietnam veteran, I often write about my combat experiences and love for my brothers and country. Your insightful article resonated with my feelings. I am often distressed at the events in our great nation and government, but I try to remain apolitical. I have combat brothers who are staunch Republicans and an equal number who are intransigent Democrats, yet I love them all with body and soul. Both sides accuse me of acting like a “wuss,” but I stand my ground. After all, I was once their leader. And during my life, I have helped many during their most difficult times. As for me, I’m proud of my service because we saved lives, our brothers as well as Vietnam civilians. I stood beside men of all colors, religions, cultural backgrounds, and political opinions. I was honored to serve with the most courageous men and women who crossed my life's path. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. I remain with best regards.