Hi, EP. I'm not a .religious man. And having served on the battlefileds of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia I do not consider a higher power governs our destinies, but when I examine the lives of individuals such as Malcolm X, MLK, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, and others, I must think there was an unseen hand guiding their destinies.
I blame white society for driving many fantastic Black men into lives of crime, and then punishing them with extreme sentences not practiced on white society convicted of the same crimes.
Call it what you may, but the true intellect of this bright young man rose through the quicksand of oppression and injustice to bear witnewss; His is an amazing story and proves there is greatness in us all.
I have often said that America lost a great deal by denying our Black brothers and sisters the opportunity to contribute. We never realized their amazing contributions to the arts, sciences, and humanity. I mean, does not MLK inspire. Do not his words rise above the maddening crowd to remind us of what America means? I think so.
Thanks for posting this retrospective. Yet, Malcoom X was one of many Black Americans who stood up to be counted and paid the price. Thanks. Regrds.