Hi, Heart. Thanks for responding. Handling money and one's financial affairs is a skill that should be taught. Yet, I find many do not have a clue of what it means to save the money they earn, invest wisely, and purchase equity over self-indulgence. I found this true of women in the arts, significant others who depend on spouces to do this work, and college students engrossed in their studies. Since I had to work my way through highschool and college, I was forced to learn the mechanics of earning and saving at the same time, although the funds were scarce. But I never understood entitlement until I returned from Vietnam and worked for a company where the son of the owner was in charge. I was fired for decking the guy because he insulted a Vietvet who did not quite understand the directions. I waited for the cops and told the story. I appeared before a judge three days later and the charges were dismissed. His son's life was taken in Nam, so he understood. Just saying. Regards