Hi, Hermione. I liked your descriptions of Gen Xers and the like. Of course, I've learned age is only a number, and generalizing one group against another is making the false assumption we are NOT all unique and different. I feel that older generations tend to characterize the young with simple opinions, "Why, back in my day that would have been illegal! My parents taught me the difference from right and wrong! These youg people think the world owes them a living!" As for me, I like the young (which in my case is anyone under the age of 60). I love new ideas, fresh humor, the burst of energy they radiate, and the joy in their souls. As "they" would have said on the old western frontier, "Sometimes a body got to learn for themselves." Indeed. While universal education needed to eliminate ignorance in America, I often underestimate the amount of stupid people in ciruclation. Why, I can't believe some of the opinions I read on social media, but then, what do I know? Not much if you ask my wife and kids, and come to think of it, as you can attest, most people who know me. Enjoyed the essay. Thanks.