Hi, Iva. Yup! Older age is not for the faint hearted. I am amused when older adults turn forty and fifty they begin to worry about their wrinkles, and garvity begins to wear on body parts. Sixty, is a transition. But seventy is the real push. It seems the human body was not meant to last 80, 90, or a hundred years. Joints wear out. Arteries calcify. The brain does not hold the memory, and the eyes fail. Yet, if we are lucky, we can still use our faculties to enjoy life. There are many who propose that life can be rejuvinated over 50. I partifcularly like th FaceBook Group. #woman over 50 rock. I'm an 80 year old man. It sort of crept up on me over 80 years. Never saw it coming. But men are not know to notice the small stuff. Still, I'm happy to be here. Good peice of writing. Regards.