Hi Kazi: I liked your essay; it was interesting. Of course, the universe is timeless. The Big Bang theory gives a starting point but we do not for how long it existed before the explosion leading to our modern-day existence. When you come to think of it, we did nothing more than follow the instincts bestowed on us by nature. We had nothing to do with our evolution, only what we did with the powers given to us by a superior brain. The fact the human species has eveloved to such a point that we are capable of destroying in an instant what took billions of years to create, is frightening. This paradise we call planet Earth is unequaled in all creation. This was the Gareden of Eden spokent of in the Old Testament. Einstein made a relevant comment when he. said: "Let us not fortget that human knowledge and skills alone cannot lead humanity to a happy and dignified life. What we must learn in the competitive world of our construct is not to become persons of success, but rather citizens of vlaue. If the human race possesses any failures, they are every inhabitant does not live free, the powerful subjugate the weak, the poor are allowed to die without medical treatment, basic living condtions are denied to the needy, but available to the wealthy, and education is not a right but a privilege. We can look to the cosmos for answers, but the solutions are right in front of us, here on Earth. We only need to act. Thanks for sharing. Regards