Hi, Larry. I liked your article regarding the the ten most powerful militaries in the world. Once, the size of the land force was a measure of the power, so was ownership of the sea, but today, it is effective weapons systems, and the size and power the airforce, guided missels, and drone warefare. Within the next centrury, the military will be run by men who control robotic devices to weed out ground resistance. One would think that war was passe and the art of negotiation the better part of valor. Yet, we find every nation on the planet likes to run by taking ownership for of carrying the biggest stick. And just because a country is a domocracy does not preclue testosterone fueled politicians from exderting the power of the their military to disasterous effect. I bring to your attenion Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc. But your article was well researched and presented. Thanks for sharing. Regards