Hi Marie: I liked your article about your eating disorder. It takes a lot to expose yourself like that. I admire your courage.
I am sorry for your trouble, and I hope your self-image has improved since you began to tackle the negativity in your life that led you to the only contentment that food imparted.
As you may know, eating disorders occur from stress and the esteem you have for yourself. Anxiety is an invisible force whose power is more potent than you. It is like another person inside you, who takes control when life goes sideways. As for me, a Vietnam veteran who has PTSD, life is always going sideways.
I wish you well in your battle against this challenging disorder. If I may, I invite you to read the first chapter of my Vietnam memoir for free at vietnamjerry.com, and while there, scroll down to MEDIA and listen to the NPR broadcast of Cpl. Cummings. All true events.
Best regards, Jerry