Hi, Michelle. I do not think where we were when a particular event occurred as much as how the event, or the people in the event effected our lives. For example, I remembrer eactly where I was when I received the news of JFKs assasination. It wasn't the event that stuck with me, but for a young president to broadcase what I could do for my country. JFK taught me something. I remember where I was when MLK was assasinated. But, I loved the man for his leadership and activism to bring justice African Americans. He was taught me something. I remember the Queen as a women who endured the Monarcy of Britain duirng WWII. She refused to depart London and insisted to be part of the Ambulence Rescue Corps. for all her wealth and status she identified with the average Joe and Jane in the street. And they and the world loved her for her understaning that there was something called decency and kindness. She taught me something. I can go on aobut the people who made a difference in my life, and I can tell you how they influenced my choices. This I believe important to each of us, regardless of our race, color, religion, language, and cultural backgroud. Regards.