Hi, Mona. I liked your article about first arriving in Los Angeles from a foreign country. You are right about America. We are a mixture of people, languages, religions, cultural differences, and a uniqueness that define us. Except for the American Indians, everyone walking this great country comes from immigrant stock. That is the beauty of America, it’s strengths, and to some degree, weaknesses. Yet Americans love to laugh. We like a good joke. Understand that everything can be sacrilegious, and like to make fun of all things. As you discovered, we are a bunch of laughing, joking, smiling people. But we are not patsies. Pick a fight with an American and expect the battle to continue until one of you is out cold. We don't give in, and we don't give up. Yet, we love to argue, even shout our opinions, good and bad. We think the worst of the politicians we elect. And as you found out, what a great country it makes us.