Hi Paradoxon. I liked your article on Germany during WWII and the unification of the German people against the Third Reich. While, pockets of reisitence existed, they were minicule to the flagrant and willing persecution of Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and political dissidents. These people were rounded up and herded into abominable concentration camps for slave labor, tortue, murder, and the gas chambers. 6-million Jews died, including 1.5-million Jewish children under the age of 15, and 1-million others of those considered racially impure, or politcally objectinable, such as communits. The exteermination of 7 million people took tremendous organization and could not have been accomplished without the help of the German population. And I do not exclude the contribution of the Hitler Youth who wound up in the SS as sadistic murders. History, and Hollocaust survivor footage acknowledge that German neighbors and friends gave up the Jews to claim a piece of their weatlth. What is worse, the populations of Poland, the Ukraine, Romania, Hungry, and the Baltic states helped round up the Jewish population, joining the Nazis in the slaughter. France surrendered the Jews as part of the armistace treaty with Germany..There are many who deny the Hallocaust, because the terror of the Nazi's in modern times seems impossible to have taken place, but it did!