Hi Parano. I like your article about The Burnout Generation. I occasionally get mixed up between those who are considered mellennials and gerneration X-rs. But I get they represent a certain younger segment of society. Of course, the young are impatient to enjoy life to the fullest. The energy to "get out there" literally vibrates inside them as an electrical current needing to plug into something. I find they look at the success of the older gerneration and long to be there. Yet, everyone worked hard, suffered, and sacrificed to achieve success. The young want to skip the process. Where I come from it was called "paying your dues." That is, do the work and success will come. Hopelessness is a construct. Success is a construct. I beleive what the mind desires the body can produce. It is about attitude. Easy to say, hard to implement. But not impossible. How is the key. And that takes education, work, experience, love, loss, sacrifice, and stress. It has been the way of the world since the beginning of time. Good piece of writing. Thanks. Regards