Hi, Pierre. I liked your artricle questions if war is a necessity. Of course, it is a result in the lack of comminication, or when the instincts of survival take precedence over what is rational. There are those in power who beleive that more terriory, the ownership of resources, and cheap labor are necessary for survial. This is the catalyst for war, and caused most wars across the globe. As far as Russian and Ukraine are concerned, I blame the U.S. Had the Ukraine negotiated without the back of the U.S. the Ukraine would have negotiated a settlement with Putin. As it stood, with their big brother standing behind them, the Ukaraine took the hard line, and Russia did waht they said. It was over Nato, and I do not blame Putin for standing up to having Nuclear weapons on Ukranian ground. All the Ukraine had to do was stay out of Nato, and Putin would have back down. Is what they are experiencing better? And who is going to go to war with Russia? I am distressed that nations would rather win by force than by logic. I can expect this adction by theocracies, such as Iran, but the Ukraine? I'm at a loss. Just saying.