Hi, Rip. Thanks for sharing your moment in time. You have lots to say. I am always interested in the lives as others. As far as the government is concerned, well, that's American politics for you. It has never changed. Back biting, foul mouthing, lying, and insincere politicians following the agenda's of lobbyists, and those who contribute the most to their political party and campaigns. I hope for the best, but expect little. Democrats and Republicans have been at each others throats for centuries. It is disheartening, but hey, if you don't like a canditate, then work hard to vote the person out. As far as your terminally ill friend, I am sorry for his medical condition. Of course, we have no choice to take what comes. I mean, all my brothers in Vietnam who moved forward never to return. We knew what awaited us, yet, we did our duty. But life goes on, and we must make the most of our lives, and be appreciative for what we have. I do not propse to know. Like you, I can only share my life with others and hope there is something good that can be learned. Liked your article. Regards.