Hi Tita. I likd your article about religion. You made some slaient points. The invisible entity, Alice, experiment was interesting. Children can be taught to accept and do anything. How this affects later life is the question. You were taught religion and followed this religion until you were old enough to make an independent decision. But there are those who accept what they learn until the grave. Where does racism and prejudice come from? Where do all the uncaring, mean, greedy adults learn such behavior? Why do adults easily accept consipiracy theories, leaders who will ruin the world, or institutions and governments that will bring misery to others? These have been questions pondered by psychologists, philospopers, and anthropologiss for years. Everything is never fine in the world. There is always an act of human deparvity or violence that shocks us. Why does the U.S. lead the world in the mass killings of children? Why is the Black population of the US at ten percent, represent 60 percent of the prison population? On and on, until there is no more space to write about the inconguities of the human mind. Regards