Hi. Your article dealing with herbal supplements to keep anxiety in check resonated with me. While these herbal remedies help, unfortunately, when it comes to dealing with the anxiety produced from trauma, they do not do the job. As Vietnam veterans, my buddies and me sufferred from a malady that could not be out-medicated, outrun, out-trained, or outlived. It became an invisible force that did its best to destroy the lives we dreamed of on the battlefields of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. I empathise with you husband, and those who suffer stress disorders. In the case of veterans it is considered a mental challenge - a euphenism for telling hospital workers that we are F-ing crazy. Yet, with the love and patience, especially of significant others, dealing with the anger, rage, and going from zero to a hundred in a nanosecond helped us hold on to our families. Thanks for illuminating the subject. Regards.