I cannot agree with you. The instinct of self-preservation is tied to same gene as aggression and fear. There is historical and archeological evidence all organized societies participated in aggressive acts to protect and expand resources, acquire women, and dominate lesser societies. Contrary to what I gather from your notes, Africa was not immune from these human instincts. No civilization ever existed where one group of humans did rule and subjugate to achieve a better way of life. I do not condemn the past, but transparency is needed to understand the homosapien predilection to violence and dominant behavior as a means to build a tribal community based on mutual self preservation. I neither excuse nor condone the prevalent evil of white domination of the world, but it remained the same and exacerbated to new heights with the maturity of world religions. It is an abomination how the Black populations of the world fell under the treatment of monsters. It is my opinion that every life contains greatness and by the countless wars, and needless deaths, the world became deprived of this genius residing in all, regardless of color, race, cultural background, language or religion. Thanks for replying. Best regards.