In my eyes, Maryan, you are worthy of my esteem and respect. If I may, I would call you American Patriotic Royalty, and I label. your family the same way. As for me, i am the only member of my family, extending to my cousins who served in the military. I do not regret my service and I remain a proud American despite my medical issues. I know Long Bien. I passed through on several missions. If your husband became part of Psy Ops, then I was "stupid ops." We were an extraction team who needed to avoid the enemy to succeed. Man could we run, but if confronted, we surprised many who thought we were less than expected. My good buddy, Andy, contracted Hep C from a contaminated blood transfusion. We both passed through the same field hospital I got away clean. He died about ten years ago. It broke me. Thanks for sharing. It's my pleasure to know you. Best regards.