Jerry Glazer
2 min read6 days ago

Insights into understanding the Vietnam War

If only the Vietnam War were a Shakespearian comedy written by a practiced and experienced hand instead of the arrogant and incompetent politicians running our country during successive presidential administrations ending with Nixon and his morally wrong advisor, Kissinger.

Instead of every event in the script leading to brilliant success, the leading protagonists in our drama made incredible errors. Some instructions from superiors brought injury and death without any sense of victory.

The North Vietnamese and Viet Cong were everywhere except in the North. U.S. military leaders did not understand why the enemy did not get the message to say put in their neck of the country.

The communists orchestrated surprise attacks leading to ambushes of our units and remained hidden until the action turned to their advantage. As for the U.S. ground forces and intelligence, the enemy placement maps became outdated within the day of preparation.

Our leaders ignored the significance of the communist’s troop movements, and our artillery would find our observers instead of the North Vietnamese. It proved the only accuracy of bombers and jet fighters was their ordinances hit the ground everywhere except…



Jerry Glazer

Jerry Glazer is an author of short stories, essays and novels. The 1st chapter of his Vietnam memoir can be read for free at